A downloadable game

Further exploring the road of music driven games, Vicentek and me have turned your device playing Crayta into a musical instrument with "Music Champion", our entry for the Champions game jam. 

If you can't play music yet, don't worry, the game will teach you step by step and as you improve your high scores, you are learning to play music. And soon you can demonstrate it to your friends or family in the champion mode. 

Of course, the song you are all thinking of, is included :)

A Champions Game Jam entry by Daystiny and Vicentek.

This game is very mobile and touch screen friendly but works great with keyboard (keys 1 to 7), too. (Disclaimer: we have not yet come up with an effective way to enable controllers to be used competitive to other devices. Maybe in a future update this will be added.)

Music Champion was made using the wonderful Maestro package of Daigoro.

Game Idea: Daystiny

Game Technical Design and Implementation: Daystiny

Game Visusal Design: Vicentek

Midi Processing: Vicentek

QA: The usual circle of friends and family :)


Play Musical Champion

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